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If you did download the previous wow Launcher a big thanks :) but i seen that smolderforge released a Wrath server so i updated the smolderforge launcher to support both Wrath and TBC
Version 2 updates Include
Searches for Updates Deletes Both cache folders(Depending which is selected in Options Menu) Pings Both Wrath and TBC servers Check if they are Online
How to Use:
- Make sure you install Microsoft Net Framework 4.0 or 4.5 (Included into Zip File)
- Copy the Smolderforge v2 Application to Desktop or where ever you think is best
- Open the Application click on options then select where your WoW Directory is located
- Press save
- Then Enjoy and play!
I have made a program that changes your realm list for you if you play multiple servers you have to just put in one time if u want inbox me :) ill send u DL link