Frequently asked questions..

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Frequently asked questions..

Post by Firstaidkit »

Frequently asked questions

Question #1: Is it possible to donate via SMS or will this be available in the (near) future?

Answer #1:
Henhouse wrote:We've looked into mobile carriers and they're simply horrible and not something we want to offer. The only good services require you to apply to become a partner and they are not going to accept WoW private servers.

Carriers keep ~50% of the fee, then the service provider keeps a fee, and then you get the donation and blablabla. So $5 donations would have to be like $15 for it to even be worth it. Some make you pay monthly fees to use their service, some make you only be able to withdraw YOUR money if you have 1000+ euros (not lying). Paypal is trusted everywhere, we prefer to use it. We're going to be dropping Payza soon.

- Henhouse, viewtopic.php?p=40343#p40343

Question #2: Would it be possible to add Warglaives to the donation?
Answer #2: No, simply because rogues were already part of the top tier classes in this patch and we already have a lot of rogues on the server. So to avoid a growing number of rogues the Warglaives of Azzinoth will not be added.

Question #3: Why are not all the Sunwell Plateau items available in the donation mall?
Answer #3: Simply because the donation is only $5 USD and that is already pretty cheap the Sunwell Plateau items are just something extra you get, just not all of them are available. For more information about donating check:

Question #4: How can I change my password?
Answer #4:

Question #5: How can I retrieve my account? (if it got stolen or hacked)
Answer #5:

Question #6: Where do I find the server updates that are applied on restart?
Answer #6: (click on the last page to see the recent updates!!!)

Question #7: Does Smolderforge has an armory website?
Answer #7: Yes,

Question #8: I want to buy an transfer, how I do this?

Answer #8: Paid transfers are $3 USD. They can be used to transfer items from one character to another as long as they are not race/class specific. Donorship is the most popular choice in this case to transfer. Transfers are not automatic or immediate, they are done manually so there is a wait time to be expected. Once you've paid for a transfer, you will need to contact us via email at Your email should contain character names you're transferring from and to, what you're transferring (special mount, HKs, reputation, etc.) or you can simply say "donorship."

We'll get around to your transfer as soon as we can. It's extremely important you provide as much information that we need to be able to complete the transfer without having to contact you again. We will email you back regarding when we've finished the transfer. I recommend NOT making an in-game ticket.

Transferring donorship results in the deletion of the character you're transferring from.

Question #9: Is crossfaction healing a bannable offense?

Answer #9: No, as far as I can remember Henhouse told me it is not an bannable offense but you can receive a warning for it from a GM. And if you repeat doing this then an suspention will probably be your penalty, if a GM catches you doing this or if you get reported for doing this. So it's recommened to avoid this at all times and just play this game fair.

Question #10: How do I report a hacker?

Answer #10: You can do this here: (if you provide a screenshot it will be quite handy!)

Question #11: Is graveyardfarming allowed?

Answer #11: Excessive corpsecamping aka graveyardfarming is not allowed especially not in Hyjal and the battlegrounds. No, you will not get banned for it instantly for doing it once. But if the GM finds out that you are abusing it several times and have given you a warning for it already then you will probably get a penalty for it. So I recommend you to avoid this.

Question #12: I have a problem with my donation I paid for a S4 donation but didn't received a code, what do I do?
Answer #12: Don't panic, just send an e-mail to and explain the situation, you can also send the confirmation if you got that from Paypal.

Question #13: Where do I view the 2 vs. 2 arena ladder?

Answer #13:

Question #14: How many people are online on the server at this moment?

Answer #14:

Question #15: Where do I download the client and addons?

Answer #15:
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Re: Frequently asked questions..

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