- Happy 5th Anniversary! (March 22nd)
- Scarlet Citadel, a custom-scripted 10-man raid has been brought back from 2009, redone and is now in beta form waiting testing to release. This raid will drop all Sunwell Plateau items. Raid lockout of 1-day. Loot is after all 4 bosses have been killed.
- Season 4 arena rating requirements have been significantly dropped. This should help promote arena and encourage others to queue.
- Mall has been prepared for our 5th anniversary celebrations. Come drop by anytime from the 22nd-25th!
- Timbal's Focusing Crystal will no longer proc off Health-funnel.
- Mongoose and Execution have now been set to a 1-PPM proc rate.
- Tabard of Frost and Tabard of flame have been added. Other tabards purchase requirements altered. Flame and Frost are also available for vote points.
- Heroic dungeon requirements have been dropped.
- Food, drink, potions, soul shards, etc. now stack for very high amounts.
- Misc. mall changes and cleanups.
Server Changelog -- Updated 19 November 2017
Server Changelog -- Updated Mar. 14th, 2013
March 14th, 2013:
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update Apr. 16th, 2013
April 16th, 2013:
- Implemented spell binary resistance system. Spells that should be binary are will be classified and treated as such. Examples include: Frost Nova, Fears, Cyclone and other CC effects, Frostbolt, Poisons and many more. This means they either land with 100% effect or get fully resisted. These changes will make spell penetration and resistance buffs much more useful in PvP, and should additionally force players to use spell penetration gear rather than run around in full Sunwell PvE/T6.
- Multiple debuff stack from different sources is now fixed. Eg: more than one stack of Improved Scorch, Would Poison, Mind Flay, etc. can now have multiple stacks each from different enemy players.
- Mangle (cat form) bonus damage from the talent Savage Fury has been reduced from 380 to the correct 317.
- Warlock's Health Funnel now properly has reflective damage to the warlock, and no longer improperly scales with spell damage.
- Felguard's should now have the chance to parry attacks.
- Felguard's now have increased stamina and intellect based on blizz-like values.
- Shaman talent, Toughness now properly reduces slows over 10 seconds to their correct amounts. Eg: Hamstring & Curse of Exhaustion to 5 seconds.
- Auto Shot was not performing hit calculations. That has now been fixed and now can be affected by things such as Rogue's evasion +25% ranged miss chance modifier. Additionally, Auto Shot can miss.
- Scatter Shot now properly has a smaller wander radius.
- Confused movement, such as Scatter Shot and Conflag now has more consistent pathing.
- Hunter trap radius has been increased by 75% to be more blizz-like.
- Spell Reflect and Grounding Totem should be more accurate in reflecting/grounding spells.
- Dodge and melee swing timer values have been corrected to blizz-like values. Incredibly minor noticeable difference.
- Deep Wounds scales more accurately with damage increasing buffs now.
- Mind Control can now properly be canceled.
- Talents/Auras that reduce the enemy's chance to dodge will now work correctly.
- Sweeping Strikes now properly is affected by damage reduction effects such as Barkskin and Demonic Resilience.
- Mace Specialization is now using the correct post-2.3 proc chance.
- Omen of Clarity now has a proper 2.5 PPM rate.
- World boss aggro/reset radiuses have been significantly increased.
- Bosses, dragons and other various NPCs should also be able to parry.
- Upgrade daggers in the mall have been reduced in price to 20 badges, down from 30.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update May. 18th, 2013
May 18th, 2013:
- Neutral Dueling has been added to the servers. Players may teleport to this location using the teleport master.
- HK cap has been raised to 250k.
- Malviris the Defiler, a world dragon boss has been spawned in Azshara Crater. He patrolls the area looking for any worthy adversary...
- Alterac Valley has been reduced to once a day at it's first rotation time (2nd rotation removed).
- Improved Hunter's Mark will now correctly effect melee attacks and ranged attacks such as Arcane, or Steady Shot. Additionally, bleeds and physical damage dots will now gain the benefit of +AP modifiers on the target, such as Hunter's Mark and Expose Weakness.
- Rewrote auto-attack system. Should fix a delay bug in auto attacks, make them properly line up with the swing animations and prevent them from happening if the character is CC'ed.
- Feral Druid abilities Ferocious Bite and Rake now properly scale correctly with attack power.
- Corrected more pet's intellect and attack power scaling. Additionally, the Fire Elemental will gain less spell damage from the master.
- Shred will no longer gain the effects of both cat form and bear form Mangle.
- Bestial Wrath will no longer fail if the pet is out of LoS.
- Charge and Intercept are no longer treated as spells. This should fix dodged/parried/resisted Intercepts and resisted Charges.
- Curse of Tongues is now properly 12 seconds in PvP.
- It will now be more harder for players to dodge attacks from behind in PvP. Additionally, the server-test for this will be more accurate than before.
- Charge and Intercept are no longer treated as spells. This should fix dodged/parried/resisted Intercepts and resisted Charges.
- Sap now has a correct 400ms delay to match the cast animation.
- Seal of Command, Justice, Shamanistic Rage, Fists of Fury have all received proc per minute rate fixes.
- Demons can now parry in PvE.
- Bosses are now correctly immune to all types of cast speed slows.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update August. 24th, 2013
August 24th, 2013:
The first 3 changes have been in for a few weeks now. The rest just rolled out.
The first 3 changes have been in for a few weeks now. The rest just rolled out.
- Pathfinding (movement maps) have been integrated into the core. These are currently only enabled in arena. We will begin roll out to battlegrounds and other maps in the future.
- Reagent vendor has been added at the beginning on arena. Vendor will be unusable and disappear on game start.
- Beastmaster -- The Hunter trainer can now directly tame you pets. There are 15 to choose from.
- Rogue talents have been reset. This is due to a major, yet unnoticable exploit allowing rogues to obtain higher damage output. Additionally, auras will be removed on talent respec.
- HoTs now take the inital spellpower bonus rather than recalculate on tick.
- Deathwish and Berserker rage will now correctly be immune to fear effects.
- Lacerate now ignores armor.
- A half-second delay has been added to the Relentless Strikes effect. Will make energy restore occur after the energy for the spell is used.
- Shiv can no longer produce double poison procs.
- Cheap Shot and Pounce can now be resisted. Reduced spell delay slightly.
- Missing finishing moves will no longer consume combo points.
- Fixed small glitch where Sprint would sometimes not reset after Preparation use.
- Swapping weapons will add a delay to the weapon swing timer.
- Pet damage is now included into players' total damage on battleground and arena scoreboards.
- Hunter Traps now have an activation timer outside of combat which is ~50% of the in-combat activation timer.
- Bestial Swiftness is now active.
- Improved Mend Pet will now proc on tick rather than on-cast.
- Void Star Talisman will now affect the Warlock's pet.
- Felguard's Avoidance passive will no longer apply to friendly spells. eg: Mass Dispel from a friendly priest.
- Pets with avoidance have a higher chance to be missed by melee based AoE spells.
- Blessing of Freedom should no longer have a rare chance to still allow players to be affected by slows.
- Turn Evil now has diminishing returns when used in PvP.
- Benediction will now effect the mana cost of judgements.
- Electro-Shock Therapy can only be used in Netherstorm.
- Commander's Badge -- the summoned Drake will now use the correct spell.
- Duel radius has been slightly increased.
- The bosses in Alterac Valley should reset slightly better now if they're pulled too far out of their rooms.
- Malviris the Defiler has received some nerfs. He should be more possible to down now.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Updated August 28th, 2013
August 28th, 2013:
- Arena Spectator system has been implemented. This feature will allow players to join an arena match in progress as a "spectator" and silently watch the game. It is also compatible with the tournament-like ArenaSpectator addon which provides an amazing UI and allows players to switch between the point of view (PoV) of the players' in arena. Based off the original works of AT and made possible and ported thanks to Itslove.
- Duel phasing system. When you now enter a duel, all other players will disappear from your view; however, you will still be visible to them. This is to help improve your performance, reduce distractions, and reduce CPU load.
- The Barbershop NPC now specializes in plastic surgery! Linus is now able to modify your face, and your skin color! This has allowed for some interesting new changes -- gnomes can now become Leper Gnomes and Dwarves can become Dark Iron dwarves! Be wary, there appears to be some... nude models as well. :O
- German (DE) clients can now properly link spells, talents, quests, etc. from their native clients.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update September 10th, 2013
September 10th, 2013:
- Spell Delay System implemented. Spells with delays effects now have their proper delays. This also has fixed and allowed seal-twisting for Paladins.
- Grounding Totem has been re-worked. The totem can now ground multiple in-flight spells, such as a Mage's shatter combo. The totem will also now correctly ground Arcane Missiles and channeled spells such as Mind Flay and Drain Mana. Grouding totem will ground damage-over-time spells as before, but will be correctly removed when such a spell is grounded. The totem will also be removed when Polymorph is grounded.
- Seal of Blood and Seal of Justice can now generate additional double procs off Seal of Command.
- Seal of Blood's reflective damage fixed. Will prevent the reflective damage scaling with spell damage and will fix the reflective amount to the correct 10%.
- Spell reflect should be able to reflect multiple in-flight spells. Spell reflect can now reflect a full shatter combo.
- Fixed Aftermath proccing on the caster with Rain of Fire.
- Shadowguard can now proc Blackout.
- Hotfixed: Ability to cast pets while in spectate mode.
- Hotfixed: Fix Swiftmend gaining double spellhealing bonus.
- Hotfixed: Spectators can no longer see stealthed players.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update September 24th, 2013
September 24th, 2013:
- Gladdy addon now properly tracks player trinket usage in arena.
- Further fixes for Seal of Blood. Now the reflective damage will scale properly, and will not scale with +damage modifiers.
- Retribution talent, Vengeance should now proc of all critical strikes, including Judgement and seals.
- Seal of the Crusader should increase Crusader Strike damage by 40%.
- Gift of Naaru now properly scales with bonus healing.
- Beast Mastery Talents Ferocious Inspiration and Frenzy will now only trigger on critical strikes.
- Enchancement critical stike talents will now trigger on windfury weapon attacks.
- Seal of Command spell mechanics tweaked.
- All pets can now parry.
- Totems should no longer parry.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update November 24th, 2013
November 24th, 2013:
- Arena Season 18 has come to a close. This arena season was prolonged extremely far due to internal problems and improper monitoring of arena. In the future we are now looking to run seasons no longer than 3 months.
- Players will now gain honor points from winning arena matches (skirm and non-skirm). Currently 45 points per 2v2 game, and 135 per 3v3 game.
- Honorable kills in Azshara Crater have been reenabled.
- Blackout can now proc from Mind Flay and Shadow Word: Death.
- Hemorrhage should no longer increase bleed damage.
- Succubus will no longer try to cancel Seduce
- Searing Totem's coefficients doubled.
- Pets and player guardians should no longer break CC auras.
- Paladin Tier 6 bonus has been fixed.
- Stormherald(reenabled), Deep Thunder, Glaive of the Pit, Rod of the Sun King(reenabled), Vindication, Shard of Azzinoth, Seal of Vengeance, Syphon of the Nathrezim, Crusader, Stonebreaker's Totem, Fists of Fury, Frostbrand, Fixed Blackened Naaru Silver, Fiery Weapon, Romulo's Poison have all received PPM (procs per minute) fixes.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update April 11th, 2014
Changes from Nov 2013 - April 2014:
- We turned 6 years old!
- Arena season 19 came to a close on March 2nd.
- An arena ready system has been implemented by request. If all four players opt to begin an arena match early, it will begin in 5 seconds.
- A template NPC system has been implemented for new players to the server. This will allow them to pick a spec and have their gear equipped, socketed and enchanted for them as well as talent points set.
- Flying in the mall! Players can now purchase a Token of Mall Flying for 40k honor points or for 125 vote points allowing them to mount up on flying mounts in the mall.
- Players may now purchase renames for their characters with 50 voting points.
- MoveMaps (pathfinding) has been enabled in all battleground maps.
- Free Action Potion now has a 5 carry limit as well as an increased cooldown to 5 minutes (up from 2). This is to mitigate the insane amount of players using this item to gain an advantage over classes who rely on slows and stuns as part of their kit.
- Scarlet Citadel bosses had their spell resistances significantly raised and armor lowered due to the raid being caster-dominated.
- Vanndar Stormpike and his officers now properly have their appropriate tower buffs based which towers remain up.
- French (FR) clients can now properly link spells, talents, quests, etc. from their native clients.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Server Changelog -- Update April 18th, 2014
April 18th, 2014:
- A new daily Heroic NPC has been added! This NPC will cycle through all heroic instances (except for Black Morass at this time) and allow you to complete a quest each day to turn in for good rewards!
- Pathfinding (MoveMaps) has been enabled in all TBC instances.
- Magisters' Terrance has received several bug & exploit fixes and the 3rd boss door now properly opens after the boss dies.
- The Arcatraz no longer has unattackable mobs.
- The Blood Furnace no longer has unattackable mobs.
- Thrall in Old Hillsbrad Foothills no longer spawns an unattackable Armorer NPC while being escorted to Taren Mill.
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse in the Shattered Halls no longer stands around for 90 seconds instead of engaging, but engages shortly after being aggroed.
- Cache of the Legion in The Mechanar now properly requires a key to open. The key parts to open the chest drop off 2 bosses in this instance.
- Fixed a bug in the core where you could not receive quest kill-credit for killing NPCs in Heroic dungeons.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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