Eye of the Storm #1322 — 09 Mar 2019 • 17:06 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Leisha Player race icon Player class icon 11 7 28 120 214915 33652 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 10 5 32 80 289272 25978 0
Vespo Player race icon Player class icon 10 8 32 80 261830 4098 0
Offenderss Player race icon Player class icon 10 6 27 80 223187 0 0
Jiih Player race icon Player class icon 9 2 15 120 179606 35947 0
Dramy Player race icon Player class icon 9 6 31 120 146090 11134 2
Tierfour Player race icon Player class icon 8 6 26 120 161792 5769 0
Antisidex Player race icon Player class icon 4 2 33 120 132500 2995 0
Roxyy Player race icon Player class icon 4 7 17 80 168262 42900 4
Vibetribe Player race icon Player class icon 3 4 15 120 153299 0 3
Deadblack Player race icon Player class icon 3 1 7 20 61299 0 0
Dorainto Player race icon Player class icon 2 6 18 40 3884 135464 0
Sortone Player race icon Player class icon 2 3 14 80 196836 0 1
Lifegreen Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 25 60 110944 3937 1
Peillach Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 27 100 112399 9176 0
Shadowpryest Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 15 80 27507 49555 0
Excon Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 6 80 20339 9406 0
Clippa Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 24 120 58560 150154 1
Thugstyle Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 17 120 21097 330946 0
Verdure Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 5 80 13416 166504 0
Loswochos Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 18 100 9194 197827 0
Shonez Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 18 80 43836 167267 0
