Eye of the Storm #16763 — 23 Nov 2019 • 20:03 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Bcone Player race icon Player class icon 15 1 44 100 302819 3914 0
Scuffedlord Player race icon Player class icon 9 3 43 100 225894 0 0
Kevvinally Player race icon Player class icon 8 1 39 100 208689 0 0
Shalae Player race icon Player class icon 7 4 36 100 165455 15275 0
Ridicule Player race icon Player class icon 7 2 30 100 130850 16165 0
Cimetiere Player race icon Player class icon 6 0 33 100 229804 46486 2
Gacked Player race icon Player class icon 6 3 27 100 165772 7075 0
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 5 5 21 40 382469 2375 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 5 5 36 100 184190 8605 0
Horra Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 16 40 88775 2263 0
Immunetodmg Player race icon Player class icon 4 6 30 100 158134 2550 0
Narspi Player race icon Player class icon 3 3 12 40 59807 4426 0
Morebear Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 39 100 186666 65401 0
Garlik Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 10 40 215760 13815 0
Sjsharks Player race icon Player class icon 2 4 13 100 157953 9899 0
Myrtilles Player race icon Player class icon 2 5 9 40 49250 87276 0
Appa Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 37 100 7708 275005 0
Nyctre Player race icon Player class icon 1 7 18 40 9792 137156 0
Laviel Player race icon Player class icon 0 9 10 40 23484 134911 0
Verdure Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 20 40 11933 228818 0
Gizmix Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 4 40 95236 15828 0
Neutopia Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 13 40 6104 95986 0
Leaflord Player race icon Player class icon 0 7 18 40 11945 315689 0
Trynda Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 18 60 4368 253868 0
Shonez Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 39 100 9354 271639 0
