Eye of the Storm #17625 — 08 Dec 2019 • 22:38 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 14 2 41 120 207090 18868 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 11 4 35 120 148632 29494 1
Unbreakable Player race icon Player class icon 9 1 43 120 197542 41946 2
Mermain Player race icon Player class icon 9 2 42 120 146674 4826 0
Arthiax Player race icon Player class icon 8 3 27 120 157920 15102 0
Moorda Player race icon Player class icon 7 3 15 120 124613 14699 2
Jerkyboner Player race icon Player class icon 5 13 14 40 212580 26335 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 14 40 103891 20704 0
Azghova Player race icon Player class icon 4 9 11 40 90470 17042 0
Smallfury Player race icon Player class icon 3 1 18 80 31058 8875 0
Neelzon Player race icon Player class icon 2 10 11 20 82482 5309 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 2 9 5 40 62966 1842 0
Putaso Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 2 0 13522 0 0
Zboube Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 4 40 17637 83025 0
Leaflord Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 35 120 6559 301679 0
Depreisty Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 12 40 9919 133956 0
Spoffy Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 1 40 21675 1957 0
Naughtymana Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 1 40 2749 11619 0
