Eye of the Storm #22467 — 07 Mar 2020 • 22:38 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Josemaxxjii Player race icon Player class icon 12 1 27 120 98080 10601 0
Nexilium Player race icon Player class icon 6 5 23 120 113158 14180 0
Nanouka Player race icon Player class icon 6 1 36 120 85991 0 0
Marukek Player race icon Player class icon 5 1 36 120 59670 425 0
Rebai Player race icon Player class icon 4 2 13 100 57029 13158 0
Baalzebub Player race icon Player class icon 4 0 25 120 81188 16109 0
Marsvil Player race icon Player class icon 3 3 15 120 71990 18161 1
Bowjitsu Player race icon Player class icon 3 2 7 20 35447 9760 0
Horra Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 11 40 46621 886 1
Loswochos Player race icon Player class icon 3 7 10 40 108903 21328 0
Excon Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 26 120 86244 69596 0
Arrowhorn Player race icon Player class icon 2 2 14 100 30536 9081 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 2 0 19911 5394 0
Bitcorn Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 6 20 60842 11568 0
Lifegreen Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 15 100 40855 0 0
Danissa Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 27 120 15075 86988 1
Fiqure Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 14 80 20811 3400 0
Steelballs Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 1 20 13064 4753 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 1 7 13 40 52206 11783 1
Toot Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 8 40 89459 9565 0
Paladinu Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 17 120 6407 83060 2
Simargl Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 642 0
Simoneta Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 5 40 18391 25304 0
Squint Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 2 20 25164 6494 0
Ashtaroth Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leshtarski Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 2 40 0 19786 0
Atw Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 2 80 1769 0 0
