Eye of the Storm #24580 — 05 Apr 2020 • 20:39 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Scuffedlord Player race icon Player class icon 18 7 50 80 335166 10526 0
Alinali Player race icon Player class icon 17 2 64 80 362911 11472 2
Gorg Player race icon Player class icon 13 6 62 80 463634 11914 0
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 13 3 52 120 434739 6277 0
Msmsmsmsmsms Player race icon Player class icon 12 9 48 120 288964 6459 0
Zsubi Player race icon Player class icon 12 11 34 120 214339 31695 0
Unbreakable Player race icon Player class icon 11 7 49 120 345827 15357 0
Vild Player race icon Player class icon 10 2 64 80 230355 5832 0
Misakk Player race icon Player class icon 8 7 25 120 131137 6016 1
Gegonpico Player race icon Player class icon 8 8 41 120 139269 9527 0
Codext Player race icon Player class icon 7 9 44 80 148542 7928 0
Mysiicles Player race icon Player class icon 7 18 43 120 146578 33987 1
Ibolinoo Player race icon Player class icon 6 13 55 80 163451 24383 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 5 4 44 80 139005 3478 0
Nephitis Player race icon Player class icon 5 1 24 120 82015 2185 0
Elvex Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 67 80 172372 5658 0
Stardustx Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 43 120 95569 5772 1
Markozaa Player race icon Player class icon 4 5 44 80 123480 0 1
Scyllairan Player race icon Player class icon 3 7 25 80 126378 3400 0
Ninfomana Player race icon Player class icon 3 4 40 80 108728 18245 2
Nikoloz Player race icon Player class icon 2 11 41 80 55241 0 0
Moy Player race icon Player class icon 1 5 49 120 22380 344113 0
Leshtarski Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 9 120 56493 26218 0
Leaflord Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 38 120 7794 277615 0
Mentalcut Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 35 120 7961 257456 0
Deyssmar Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 57 80 4906 429812 0
Jordansdru Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 13 20 594 102218 0
Amex Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 58 80 13618 444046 0
Moonlust Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 13 120 1620 240911 4
Nyctre Player race icon Player class icon 0 6 39 120 4858 161661 0
