Eye of the Storm #248 — 22 Feb 2019 • 20:10 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Infected Player race icon Player class icon 10 7 34 60 133169 16407 0
Wuthever Player race icon Player class icon 9 5 30 200 101840 27667 0
Faide Player race icon Player class icon 9 4 31 60 113682 0 0
Tsan Player race icon Player class icon 8 4 31 60 164422 27980 0
Forkin Player race icon Player class icon 7 3 18 40 89911 22588 0
Underhill Player race icon Player class icon 7 4 21 200 111585 23521 0
Danceforme Player race icon Player class icon 7 5 27 200 182701 4969 0
Offenderss Player race icon Player class icon 7 6 17 60 98096 10744 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 6 4 26 200 83286 20369 1
Abudalapasu Player race icon Player class icon 6 6 18 200 93865 0 0
Priestq Player race icon Player class icon 5 3 37 60 103031 58822 0
Asdaws Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 28 200 113951 56520 0
Fagerino Player race icon Player class icon 4 5 23 200 33511 2316 2
Slina Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 21 200 66136 16765 0
Roxanitia Player race icon Player class icon 3 2 9 200 50035 27623 4
Shushme Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 12 200 131104 27506 0
Fliipp Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 13 120 38071 21792 0
Litkillah Player race icon Player class icon 2 7 35 60 77891 26511 1
Putiin Player race icon Player class icon 2 4 14 60 63701 9367 0
Dragonlan Player race icon Player class icon 2 6 25 60 78546 13188 0
Manruid Player race icon Player class icon 1 5 15 200 15342 118802 0
Nanasna Player race icon Player class icon 0 8 14 200 17486 3048 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 10 200 23370 0 2
