Eye of the Storm #27824 — 09 May 2020 • 18:14 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Darkine Player race icon Player class icon 13 5 46 120 224718 14563 0
Autocad Player race icon Player class icon 13 5 34 100 169752 16958 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 11 6 43 120 139996 20952 0
Xekz Player race icon Player class icon 11 3 52 120 274973 13373 0
Unbreakable Player race icon Player class icon 10 3 50 120 214258 31190 0
Tartine Player race icon Player class icon 10 7 39 100 230727 26078 0
Flourish Player race icon Player class icon 8 18 23 100 153445 49859 0
Sigurros Player race icon Player class icon 8 9 36 100 167497 36333 0
Smailie Player race icon Player class icon 7 10 24 120 167707 9682 0
Jiih Player race icon Player class icon 7 0 12 40 83137 13821 0
Bracksya Player race icon Player class icon 7 8 24 100 146038 0 0
Fliipp Player race icon Player class icon 7 2 32 120 94668 35584 0
Hanecatwa Player race icon Player class icon 7 8 23 120 127226 3521 0
Xuege Player race icon Player class icon 6 6 42 120 119510 19989 0
Deysmmar Player race icon Player class icon 6 2 35 100 83892 0 1
Crackerts Player race icon Player class icon 6 8 41 120 122126 6609 0
Paollyhihi Player race icon Player class icon 6 3 21 100 114493 98841 5
Ep Player race icon Player class icon 5 6 41 80 112213 64976 0
Qosta Player race icon Player class icon 5 8 26 100 122781 7118 0
Argramah Player race icon Player class icon 5 6 26 100 161437 24925 0
Iwasamellia Player race icon Player class icon 5 10 22 100 106252 16109 0
Talgrimar Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 23 100 133107 75086 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 27 120 78563 20213 0
Jiushikan Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 18 60 63716 5523 0
Sceptyr Player race icon Player class icon 3 1 8 20 21546 2810 0
Vaelya Player race icon Player class icon 3 12 25 120 50695 264195 0
Losilla Player race icon Player class icon 1 11 23 100 58030 0 0
Ugaduga Player race icon Player class icon 1 5 20 120 82862 131957 0
Sdruids Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 29 100 12781 176769 3
