Eye of the Storm #3013 — 06 Apr 2019 • 00:04 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
False Player race icon Player class icon 23 1 52 120 254045 50376 0
Aivis Player race icon Player class icon 13 4 19 60 103531 7892 0
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 11 0 55 120 250370 8550 0
Urriel Player race icon Player class icon 8 4 33 120 182193 81533 0
Gustau Player race icon Player class icon 6 8 34 120 119443 10903 1
Frat Player race icon Player class icon 5 5 35 120 201045 39382 0
Shamanas Player race icon Player class icon 5 8 15 60 141363 57209 0
Cyaa Player race icon Player class icon 5 1 46 120 104992 9174 1
Ewake Player race icon Player class icon 5 0 55 120 39561 204272 1
Vake Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 30 120 127180 19652 0
Crados Player race icon Player class icon 3 7 8 60 73180 62831 0
Superstition Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 34 120 120720 5972 2
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 19 60 143622 65193 0
Unicornn Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 4 20 5789 29718 0
Profesionall Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 3 40 14637 46834 0
Iizzii Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 6 80 3840 29329 0
Loudrago Player race icon Player class icon 0 7 9 60 48305 19269 0
Skraellet Player race icon Player class icon 0 8 12 60 16382 146754 1
Shadylove Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 27 120 84974 1717 0
