Eye of the Storm #36541 — 13 Sep 2020 • 15:07 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Ep Player race icon Player class icon 14 2 45 100 216267 71463 0
Azdrubal Player race icon Player class icon 12 4 31 120 201290 17113 2
Foppin Player race icon Player class icon 11 10 26 120 286679 0 0
Pyroskill Player race icon Player class icon 10 7 21 120 197269 10591 0
Ocu Player race icon Player class icon 9 4 18 80 154297 45048 0
Kukiess Player race icon Player class icon 8 9 21 100 120417 3197 0
Vibetribe Player race icon Player class icon 8 6 27 100 130576 2125 0
Drterror Player race icon Player class icon 7 6 22 40 149514 0 0
Shadowlander Player race icon Player class icon 7 9 27 120 129693 36067 0
Takeshi Player race icon Player class icon 6 5 21 100 182992 31620 0
Drakath Player race icon Player class icon 5 10 15 100 121942 0 0
Ilthekingll Player race icon Player class icon 4 0 12 60 57599 6800 0
Doofy Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 17 100 89339 5573 0
Cowboyjesee Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 26 100 117054 0 1
Synret Player race icon Player class icon 3 10 29 120 93989 11399 0
Sigurros Player race icon Player class icon 2 4 16 120 126092 64441 4
Buce Player race icon Player class icon 1 7 22 120 53893 16702 1
Hiltie Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 12 80 15674 0 2
Emilsnusberg Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 38 100 41374 242376 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 38 100 14310 92106 0
Buhr Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 18 120 27920 4250 1
Porthos Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 40 100 14040 270057 0
Elandrill Player race icon Player class icon 0 11 17 120 25070 366802 0
