Eye of the Storm #40715 — 14 Nov 2020 • 22:44 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Trapgoose Player race icon Player class icon 11 0 35 120 138996 17019 0
Obakan Player race icon Player class icon 10 5 36 120 217673 31689 0
Spoffy Player race icon Player class icon 10 0 36 60 218644 23319 0
Stonner Player race icon Player class icon 10 3 39 60 203031 2162 0
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 9 4 36 60 245203 0 0
Jhoseth Player race icon Player class icon 7 3 37 120 143407 8519 0
Elburrito Player race icon Player class icon 6 3 40 120 153261 15366 1
Sweatylock Player race icon Player class icon 6 4 34 120 180074 4279 0
Ilzxd Player race icon Player class icon 5 2 37 120 107892 8386 2
Burnsyourass Player race icon Player class icon 5 2 17 40 54151 0 0
Kws Player race icon Player class icon 5 6 31 120 176164 21178 0
Baldoof Player race icon Player class icon 5 6 28 60 137331 15575 0
Lastbraincel Player race icon Player class icon 5 4 15 60 111497 28652 0
Rokkena Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 36 120 112753 16441 1
Buce Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 27 120 69591 16621 0
Ballsmcgee Player race icon Player class icon 4 2 23 100 77925 4994 0
Skillbow Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 23 100 120843 3858 0
Draxorn Player race icon Player class icon 3 9 20 60 108337 0 0
Faende Player race icon Player class icon 2 5 22 60 99729 14184 0
Drev Player race icon Player class icon 2 6 15 60 88479 24437 1
Sinestesia Player race icon Player class icon 2 5 17 60 71345 1567 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 35 120 15310 216226 0
Memeganzoo Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 32 120 1102 273843 4
Duufz Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 33 60 3800 131612 0
Xtease Player race icon Player class icon 0 7 15 120 80697 2671 0
Coconutpie Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 21 60 45990 86428 0
Alsonso Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 20 60 18642 143538 0
Thundeer Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 11 40 14316 45515 0
Darkmaan Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 33 60 842 298146 0
Shonez Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 5 100 3080 102943 0
