Eye of the Storm #42539 — 10 Dec 2020 • 16:19 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Stability Player race icon Player class icon 8 3 35 40 242405 6035 0
Mshkana Player race icon Player class icon 7 1 33 40 95337 30319 0
Urriel Player race icon Player class icon 6 1 17 120 53562 16038 3
Hrabr Player race icon Player class icon 6 2 17 20 76036 9862 0
Scuffedlord Player race icon Player class icon 6 5 23 120 175294 0 0
Xekz Player race icon Player class icon 5 2 30 40 171001 6650 0
Joelrogue Player race icon Player class icon 5 4 19 120 72186 8144 1
Puszek Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 25 40 123135 15046 0
Mavrin Player race icon Player class icon 4 0 16 20 24845 42196 0
Javelina Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 17 120 64538 3669 0
Rosaldino Player race icon Player class icon 3 3 21 120 64894 12178 1
Virtuous Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 20 120 80246 0 0
Kisushotto Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 11 120 68726 4657 2
Kanao Player race icon Player class icon 2 2 21 120 15922 139425 0
Krmahunty Player race icon Player class icon 2 6 20 120 111607 3400 0
Pinfu Player race icon Player class icon 2 3 17 40 71850 4841 0
Gabyshev Player race icon Player class icon 2 2 35 40 33395 162858 0
Kiterx Player race icon Player class icon 2 2 21 120 112966 13870 0
Brunette Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 20 120 20812 122435 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 13 60 23843 4025 0
Cowblackout Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 23 120 2638 192612 0
Coconutpie Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Halbhand Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 0 20 7014 32243 0
Bolyarka Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 12 40 32283 14583 1
Plavusa Player race icon Player class icon 0 6 6 40 25960 0 0
Wravelka Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
Behem Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
