Eye of the Storm #52074 — 07 Apr 2021 • 17:34 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Scan Player race icon Player class icon 18 1 63 80 159690 20755 1
Scuffedlord Player race icon Player class icon 18 6 52 120 278159 7815 0
Calamitas Player race icon Player class icon 15 2 53 80 186906 18665 1
Kiterx Player race icon Player class icon 13 4 47 120 175156 20733 0
Josedxd Player race icon Player class icon 10 1 39 60 112476 21312 0
Arrowhorn Player race icon Player class icon 9 6 45 120 160207 24638 0
Okny Player race icon Player class icon 9 5 53 80 151296 77338 0
Whispita Player race icon Player class icon 8 9 31 120 114319 2014 2
Mademan Player race icon Player class icon 8 6 41 120 131262 4902 1
Dragonlan Player race icon Player class icon 8 7 39 120 130191 30857 0
Zambrokal Player race icon Player class icon 7 9 25 120 123453 10865 1
Newt Player race icon Player class icon 7 7 30 80 49496 32630 0
Cosmox Player race icon Player class icon 7 4 46 80 115486 22056 1
Slowpoke Player race icon Player class icon 6 1 45 120 104433 15235 1
Expecto Player race icon Player class icon 6 2 71 80 210389 7822 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 6 10 50 80 116081 34773 0
Ourakotangos Player race icon Player class icon 4 11 42 120 81363 28481 0
Elfarcher Player race icon Player class icon 4 6 43 80 94608 17279 1
Ocu Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 15 80 59234 30530 0
Oldmicro Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 19 80 39025 15772 0
Palolezz Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 8 80 54231 0 0
Ewig Player race icon Player class icon 3 17 22 80 62198 34101 0
Parchantice Player race icon Player class icon 2 18 35 80 115901 29100 0
Caal Player race icon Player class icon 2 8 16 120 64643 3400 3
Ansiety Player race icon Player class icon 2 11 18 120 51505 0 0
Aidar Player race icon Player class icon 2 13 30 120 59671 163594 0
Tfury Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 8 20 17887 1981 0
Bolyarka Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 2 20 12141 2478 0
Smallsize Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
