Eye of the Storm #5586 — 15 May 2019 • 21:00 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Exam Player race icon Player class icon 13 3 37 120 268192 23449 0
Lyndros Player race icon Player class icon 10 3 46 60 276837 51406 0
Trensiara Player race icon Player class icon 9 5 26 120 155725 20765 1
Okny Player race icon Player class icon 7 9 36 120 207760 12080 0
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 6 4 31 120 299457 2375 0
Scualartomea Player race icon Player class icon 6 9 30 120 152798 4079 0
Byokugan Player race icon Player class icon 6 7 37 60 136453 0 0
Shaper Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 17 60 79418 589 2
Elyasvel Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 38 120 169958 8624 0
Rhodus Player race icon Player class icon 3 10 12 120 99768 34647 0
Tarb Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 32 60 220827 19989 0
Loudrago Player race icon Player class icon 3 3 7 20 52759 16221 0
Litkillah Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 34 60 91226 25553 0
Sunsey Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 25 120 34364 0 1
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 3 12 28 60 107092 7943 0
Kuulpaxe Player race icon Player class icon 2 4 27 60 153187 4493 0
Louve Player race icon Player class icon 2 0 21 100 78662 3890 2
Omalux Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 35 60 49576 98402 1
Zeelazee Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 8 20 12441 56954 0
Chillboi Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 46 60 23171 206154 0
Zauvekbm Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 39 120 10949 145589 1
Ahda Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 38 120 3518 375794 0
Aslaug Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 7 20 64332 2360 0
Terintelamon Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 28 60 34953 204507 1
Music Player race icon Player class icon 0 7 14 120 35615 193236 0
Guccih Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 12 20 26257 1621 0
Daiku Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 4 0 50 34487 0
Telesonic Player race icon Player class icon 0 7 29 120 6714 210207 3
Sartarias Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 31 120 88566 21679 0
Monkeyluffy Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 37 60 13775 354418 1
