Eye of the Storm #58854 — 27 Jun 2021 • 17:52 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Iintoxicado Player race icon Player class icon 11 0 24 80 99345 0 0
Zambrokal Player race icon Player class icon 8 2 21 100 105888 2120 1
Radien Player race icon Player class icon 7 4 22 100 230252 16880 0
Hxrah Player race icon Player class icon 5 1 14 100 86152 32962 0
Whispita Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 7 40 61531 4736 0
Krosa Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 11 100 84656 8980 0
Ep Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 7 100 47998 0 1
Vloum Player race icon Player class icon 3 7 14 120 91780 27129 0
Pickousti Player race icon Player class icon 3 3 19 100 104982 9006 0
Xiaokingqvq Player race icon Player class icon 3 1 6 80 44937 3197 1
Orveveris Player race icon Player class icon 2 0 17 100 57302 7495 3
Slavicaa Player race icon Player class icon 2 1 22 100 47841 72620 0
Funemployed Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 6 40 36663 7410 2
Crysister Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 7 100 92170 8179 0
Batos Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 3 100 25984 8964 0
Onestabman Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 1 60 2109 0 0
Naxyipidar Player race icon Player class icon 1 6 13 100 11338 81027 0
Hooracha Player race icon Player class icon 1 6 6 120 8917 99965 0
Pintopino Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 5 80 6091 0 0
Coconutpie Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 7 120 17060 97403 1
Blackcoffee Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 8 120 82201 9556 1
Naruyo Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 24 100 27379 215128 0
Neighbor Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 1 60 12888 2093 0
Swampy Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Qqxd Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 0 0 5539 411 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
