Eye of the Storm #62737 — 15 Sep 2021 • 14:49 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Bigmom Player race icon Player class icon 13 3 23 120 188016 131378 0
Spalding Player race icon Player class icon 9 6 14 120 130144 10913 0
Gurossi Player race icon Player class icon 9 7 17 80 126807 17794 1
Dedgard Player race icon Player class icon 6 7 16 80 169377 52665 3
Scarletfan Player race icon Player class icon 5 3 17 120 100319 1275 2
Khamous Player race icon Player class icon 5 8 11 80 91221 425 1
Rouki Player race icon Player class icon 4 5 12 80 97103 3863 0
Skybird Player race icon Player class icon 4 7 15 100 141123 18693 1
Fallenangel Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 15 120 149250 4197 4
Pachurne Player race icon Player class icon 3 4 20 80 28153 270665 0
Najarin Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 9 60 21032 62405 0
Moonlasso Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 12 60 65616 22524 0
Javelina Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 1 20 2456 0 0
Hervalife Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 3 20 7290 3443 0
Quelinne Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
