Eye of the Storm #62834 — 17 Sep 2021 • 17:20 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Makgorra Player race icon Player class icon 13 1 54 120 371460 4913 0
Fujiimax Player race icon Player class icon 12 3 43 100 170089 28127 0
Laint Player race icon Player class icon 12 4 38 120 94015 9167 1
Sometime Player race icon Player class icon 9 6 29 20 133584 11057 0
Milfica Player race icon Player class icon 7 7 28 20 136185 39397 1
Alpharutz Player race icon Player class icon 7 7 19 20 113822 3140 1
Radien Player race icon Player class icon 7 3 45 120 189878 16607 1
Aeoui Player race icon Player class icon 6 3 42 120 126135 6395 0
Zydar Player race icon Player class icon 5 3 27 120 121737 8341 0
Arrowhorn Player race icon Player class icon 5 1 34 120 107415 12898 0
Xugo Player race icon Player class icon 5 2 20 80 79283 3421 0
Kekh Player race icon Player class icon 5 7 44 120 127112 2986 0
Smallsize Player race icon Player class icon 4 3 20 100 137258 37969 0
Sniperpower Player race icon Player class icon 4 9 28 20 117081 8924 0
Sigurros Player race icon Player class icon 4 2 16 120 95672 57813 0
Demonfondler Player race icon Player class icon 3 4 26 20 211417 20476 0
Challapa Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 32 120 94146 27038 2
Moonroe Player race icon Player class icon 3 7 9 20 56366 8901 0
Bobagru Player race icon Player class icon 3 6 12 0 46139 17261 0
Lhjg Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 28 20 173851 4187 0
Cybersnuten Player race icon Player class icon 3 11 25 20 129633 120580 0
Emrata Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 42 120 3882 223181 1
Shockgoolex Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 43 120 11465 381853 0
False Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 28 20 23765 245673 0
Frostbarrier Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 2 40 15448 4814 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 2 0 11408 5521 0
Leandryg Player race icon Player class icon 0 6 19 20 105539 26000 0
Leynya Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 0 0 8798 348 0
Bluecherry Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 28 20 6322 355234 0
