Eye of the Storm #63829 — 06 Oct 2021 • 18:09 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Fairytales Player race icon Player class icon 12 1 34 120 258949 21902 1
Rudybyk Player race icon Player class icon 12 6 37 120 209870 43631 0
Kapoot Player race icon Player class icon 12 5 24 120 156582 1947 1
Verdure Player race icon Player class icon 11 3 33 120 205067 25555 0
Maxitis Player race icon Player class icon 11 8 27 120 205133 28861 0
Demontickler Player race icon Player class icon 7 5 21 80 381470 27039 1
Smallsize Player race icon Player class icon 7 2 13 40 136229 14677 0
Zambrokal Player race icon Player class icon 5 3 13 80 125580 0 0
Baguvix Player race icon Player class icon 5 4 14 80 116292 8067 0
Ioading Player race icon Player class icon 5 10 12 80 226831 46375 0
Javelina Player race icon Player class icon 5 6 17 80 175415 6798 0
Karachus Player race icon Player class icon 5 4 14 80 77939 5199 0
Giachetti Player race icon Player class icon 4 4 34 120 135370 26173 0
Mexator Player race icon Player class icon 4 11 14 80 117062 12591 0
Ronaldrz Player race icon Player class icon 4 7 17 120 130185 19848 0
Scarletfan Player race icon Player class icon 4 0 13 60 44813 0 0
False Player race icon Player class icon 3 2 25 120 60010 144158 1
Tsjuderr Player race icon Player class icon 3 4 18 80 100843 44332 1
Moy Player race icon Player class icon 3 5 24 120 43760 314761 2
Khamous Player race icon Player class icon 2 3 11 40 78096 0 0
Sollkeper Player race icon Player class icon 2 10 13 80 75567 22007 0
Joeldruid Player race icon Player class icon 2 2 10 80 97799 71220 1
Rychardq Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 36 120 38994 192914 0
Angelofdeath Player race icon Player class icon 0 6 5 40 3300 118890 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 21 100 18560 122335 1
Salamanger Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 12 120 6329 217755 0
