Eye of the Storm #7828 — 17 Jun 2019 • 21:06 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Archonomy Player race icon Player class icon 10 0 25 60 158770 270 0
Rockmaster Player race icon Player class icon 5 0 25 60 101308 12920 0
Mmz Player race icon Player class icon 4 0 23 60 86705 12845 0
Csend Player race icon Player class icon 3 0 19 60 110769 432 0
Megiko Player race icon Player class icon 3 2 19 60 108938 0 0
Dororo Player race icon Player class icon 2 0 3 200 8136 0 1
Takingsouls Player race icon Player class icon 2 0 20 60 27233 71774 1
Aradrim Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 2 200 8972 12184 0
Umrankal Player race icon Player class icon 1 4 1 200 60093 21255 2
Shamantauren Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 3 200 42630 10573 0
Katjacz Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 18 60 45338 3925 1
Dingodon Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 4 200 43783 19579 0
Kolyamist Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 3 200 25912 1951 1
Hmzz Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 19 60 17160 110390 0
Josemaxlls Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 0 180 2405 103541 0
Yev Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 21 60 1430 121627 1
Sayt Player race icon Player class icon 0 3 3 200 80377 19748 0
Lovecrusader Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 12 20 43120 0 0
Zekura Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 0 200 46197 12636 0
Naudachu Player race icon Player class icon 0 1 2 160 38429 4716 2
Mordarim Player race icon Player class icon 0 4 1 200 1090 93982 0
Huhlic Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 2 160 16981 7211 0
