Season 46 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams that have qualified as our top teams for season 46. Teams qualified and placed based on this criteria.
You may view the finalists list on this forum post.
Season 46 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams that have qualified as our top teams for season 46. Teams qualified and placed based on this criteria.
You may view the finalists list on this forum post.
Winter's Veil has begun on Smolderforge! The snow is falling, the fire is roasting, and Greatfather Winter is hard at work! Come login and see the decorated mall, put on some festive clothes, drink some Winter Ale and collect your daily present! What goods will you find this year -- a new mount? A new pet? Or maybe... something a bit more legendary. Come find out!
Hallow's End has begun again on Smolderforge! The mall has been filled with decorations and teleports to the Headless Horseman are available! Will you be lucky enough to secure his mount this year?
Season 45 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams that have qualified as our top teams for season 45. Teams qualified and placed based on this criteria.
You may view the finalists list on this forum post.
Season 44 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams that have qualified as our top teams for season 44. Teams qualified and placed based on this criteria.
You may view the finalists list on this forum post.
After weeks of development, we are happy to announce that the Excalibur character import tool is now live! Building the tool required a lot of hard work as many internal systems had to be reworked and built to make this possible. We really hope you enjoy being able to join your characters here to join us for some PvP!
Please note: The tool is located on our new, in-development beta site. Not all parts are fully functional at this time while it is still undergoing development. The import tool, however, is fully functional.
Excalibur, a fellow TBC server with a community more than a decade old, recently closed its doors. We were sad to hear of a server similar to us coming to the hard decision to retire such an aged and dedicated community. Recently, we were contacted by some of its community members informing us of an ability for characters to be exported from their server with the hope to find a new home to migrate to.
We're happy to announce that plans to offer a character import service for characters from Excalibur are underway. In the coming (few) weeks we hope to have a tool available that will allow level 70 characters from Excalibur to be imported to Smolderforge!
However, there are a few restrictions we will place on imports. These are subject to change, but some are as follows:
Warm welcome to ExcaliburWoW players!
Today Smolderforge turns 12-years old!
Thank you to everyone who has been with us through the years, and even those who have recently joined. You're a part of our long history and the reason we're still here. We love that we're able to still foster a community around enjoying late-game TBC and hope that we can continue to be that home for more years to come.
Happy anniversary, everyone!
- Henhouse
Season 43 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams that have qualified as our top teams for season 43. Teams qualified and placed based on this criteria.
You may view the finalists list on this forum post.
Come login and join in on the festivities! The mall has been completely decorated in celebration of the event. Follow the quest line to kill the world boss, Omen and earn yourself 10 Weapon Fragments towards legendary transmog!