It's March 22nd, which means Smolderforge has turned another year older. It's truly incredible to think how long Smolderforge has been online and running -- we're one of the oldest now! It has been such a memorable, and educational journey through many moments, both fun and trying. If you have ever played on Smolderforge -- thank you -- you've helped shape this community and create a fun environment for those who still enjoy playing TBC at level cap, even though it has not been the current expansion for some time now. =P
Running Smolderforge has been a life-changing thing for me. Not only the skills and knowledge I have acquired, but the people I have met around the world who I've been able to share a connection with over a game we've played. I've visited many of you, stayed with you, and even in a more recent case -- migrated across the Atlantic to Sweden due to a job offer made possible by one of you. Thank you. It's been incredible, and Smolderforge has been a privilege to run, and I'm so ever grateful for the fun environment you have all shaped to really make Smolderforge what it is, and give me something fun and creative to work on over these years.
With humbled love,